Erdalsbreen glacier
The Erdalsbreen is a glacial arm of the Jostedalsbreen glacier and is situated by the cold glacial water.
Exit Rv15 road towards Erdalen in Oppstryn. Either park furthest in by the last farms or drive a little further down the toll road. From where you park, there is a good path all the way to Vetledalssetra cabin, where it’s nice to take a break before continuing on the path to the glacier.
Vetledalseter is situated at the top of Erdalen Stryn and was opened as a DNT cabin in the summer of 2011. The cabin is maintained by Indre Nordfjord Turlag and is a great starting point for trips towards
Vetledalseter is situated at the top of Erdalen Stryn and was opened as a DNT cabin in the summer of 2011. The cabin is maintained by Indre Nordfjord Turlag and is a great starting point for trips towards
Exit Rv15 road towards Erdalen in Oppstryn. Either park furthest in by the last farms or drive a little further down the toll road. From where you park, there is a good path all the way to Vetledalssetra cabin, where it’s nice to take a break before continuing on the path to the glacier.
Vetledalseter is situated at the top of Erdalen Stryn and was opened as a DNT cabin in the summer of 2011. The cabin is maintained by Indre Nordfjord Turlag and is a great starting point for trips towards Vetledalsbreen glacier, towards Infimus cabin, which is situated close to the glacier waters. From Erdalen, the trip to the cabin takes about one hour and is suitable for families with children.
The trip to Vetledalsetra is six kilometres with an altitude difference of about 450 metres. The first 200 meters of altitude are on a gravel road and after that there are three uphill sections. The first section is just after Loppeset hill. That’s followed by an ascent up to Hesthammarane. The final ascent is on the way to Vetledalsetra cabin.
Follow the path to Erdalsbreen glacier.
- Phone number (booking): +47 57874040
- Phone number: +47 57874040
- Website: www.nordfjord.no
- Contact person name: Visit Nordfjord
- Contact person email: booking@nordfjord.no
- Visiting address: Erdalen Postal Address: 6799 Oppstryn