Buss Nordfjord
Buss Nordfjord
Buss Nordfjord



Traveling by bus is a comfortable and efficient way to travel. In express buses there is air conditioning, good seats, free wireless network and service-minded drivers. To secure space one should buy a ticket on the internet. It also applies to the bus routes included in "Travel as those local". On the local buses, it is not possible to buy a ticket in the forefront, here you have to buy the ticket on board the bus.

Daily in the season you can travel by bus to our largest tourist attraction Briksdalsbreen. Here we have a bus which one is guaranteed to sit on, but which one cannot book in advance. Kringom.no If you want to book a place in the forefront, you can use one of the local bus offers oldenadventure.com. 

There is a large network of bus routes in Norway. 2 daily exits to and from Oslo, and express buses to and from Trondheim and Bergen.

Vy 146 express, Oslo - Gardermoen - Otta - Stryn – Nordfjordeid – Måløy/ Volda - Ulsteinvik. 2 daily exits in both directions between Nordfjord and Gardermoen / Oslo all year. More busses are availible in high season.

Vy 430 express, Bergen – Førde – Skei – Sandane – Nordfjordeid – Volda – Ørsta - Ålesund. 2 daily exits in both directions between Nordfjord and Gardermoen / Oslo all year. More busses are availible in high season.

These best prizes will always be on the web. Buy the express bus ticket at yv.no UNESCO Fjord Bus tour. Daily from June 24 - September 1, 2019 on routes Sogndal, Fjærland, Skei, Olden, Loen, Stryn and Geiranger return trip. Fjordtours.com Combination tours from Oslo and Bergen:

Sognefjorden i et nøtteskall & UNESCO Fjord Buss tur

Sognefjorden & Nærøyfjorden i et nøtteskall med UNESCO Fjord Buss